Just for the HEALTH of it™ is a WELLNESS CHALLENGE!

Just for the HEALTH of it™, created by Janelle Beckett & Kathryn Petersen, is a peer led health and well-being program focusing on enhancing your fitness routine, learning and changing some of your nutritional habits, and taking some time to focus on some personal health.

Janelle & Kathryn created the 23-page workbook below providing you with a step-by-step guide to the program.  The workbook provides a program description, personal pledges, documented pre & post measurement tracking and weekly challenge assignments. Janelle's husband Steve designed & created the website to use as a tool to go along with the workbook & the program.


Want to learn more about theJust for the HEALTH of It™ Challenge

Contact Janelle Beckett at:
Email:  janelle.beckett@bellin.org
Phone:  920-819-6609

Recipe Drop Box

Do you have a recipe that is "Tried & True" that you'd like to share?  Click on the recipe box to submit your recipe.

Things to know:

For questions or inquiries, please email Janelle Beckett at janelle.beckett@bellin.org.

If you would like to participate in the prizes, please get a $20 commitment fee to Janelle.

Facebook Page

To learn more, interact with team members, and to post information related to challenges-you can REQUEST access to the “For the HEALTH of it” Facebook page.

  1. Type “For the health of it” in the search field.
  2. Click “Join” to send a request to administrator.
  3. This is a closed group-ONLY persons accepted to page will have access and information shared will only be seen by the private group.
  4. Introduce yourself on Facebook page-share “WHY” you are doing this challenge for 10 bonus points!

Pre-Challenge Challenge:

Complete the online pledge by using the link below and earn 10 bonus points!  Have your most recent HRA results handy.